Friday, July 9, 2010

God's Gift

I can recall many people who have told Robert that he had a special gift and that he had work to do here for God. His very first job was rescuing me.

Well I would like to tell everyone that he must've had many jobs to do for God because, let me tell you about one of the greatest gifts God gave me.

During the summer of 1990, I realized I was pregnant. I will admit that for a while I was scared. I would ask how can I do this, even more so when Robert's biological father walked away from both of us. As the months went by, I had no doubt that my life was going to change but the fear I felt initially was gone. I knew from the moment I found out I was pregnant that I would have a boy. And as I tried to decide upon his name my first thought was to name him after his dad. That idea only lasted a couple of days, because that was all it took to decide to give him the name of the greatest man I had known, my Dad. So then on Tuesday morning March 26, 1991 at about 2:22 AM Robert Earl Weaver came into my life.

I feel that you should know he has always been late for everything. From school to work even way back when he was born. He was supposed to be born on March 17 (St. Patrick's day) but NO he had to make us all wait, especially me.

That's OK, I waited, and when he finally came I couldn't believe that God had given me such a precious gift, he was beautiful, he was perfect (still is).

I have accepted that he is gone from my presence but he will never be gone from my life and my heart. Some moments are better than others. Its those moments when I can think of him and smile that I try and hold onto.
Like when a Taylor Swift song comes on the radio and I can hear him sitting in the seat next to me in the car singing. and Strangely enough when I look at his Hooka pipe or bong(not sure what it's called) I can think back to a couple weeks before his accident and smile at the evening he got me to try something new (he always made fun of me because I wouldn't try anything new), and we just sat in the back yard and talked for over an hour while we smoked on that peace pipe.

I will always thank God for the friendship Robert and I developed these past few months. My heart will never be whole again but I know Robert would want me to be strong for his brothers sake.

I want to thank God for the 19 years he gave me with my son, though I would have liked more, I am eternally grateful for every moment I had with him.

Til we meet again Son, Momma loves you with all her heart.

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