Monday, June 28, 2010


Have you never watched a television sitcom and wondered, "who gave them permission to use my life".

I see that allot when I watch "Roseanne" and "According to Jim."

Roseanne was taped long before I married my husband so i know its not based on our lives but the similarities are uncanny.

I can be a loud mouth just like Roseanne, no really, I know its hard to believe but I can. I like to make fun of my kids when I get the chance. My husband is like Dan in that he works hard, deals with my crap and also likes messing with the kids.
Unlike Roseanne we don't have any girls, we have three boys. But they are similar to the Conner kids in their own right. We have one that thinks he's always right and always wanted to be treated like an adult and makes choices we don't always agree with. We have a middle child that likes to push our buttons every chance he gets. And then there is the youngest who loves and idolizes us.

Then there is the show According to Jim. As I watch Jim and Cheryl, I wonder who has bugged my home and is using the happenings for this sitcom.
Jim and I could have an argument about something and I'd be damned if it wasn't the topic of the show in a week or two.

It's fun to watch these shows because when my life becomes hard I can see if I step back and look at it from a different angle it can be comical once its over. Life is hard enough, its good to laugh once in a while, even at ourselves.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

To Dream or not To Dream

Well this is only day 3 of my posts and already I have a late one.

I wasn't feeling well an I went to bed before putting any thoughts down, no excuses, shame on me. I do have a problem following through on things, so i hope that committing myself to a daily blog will help me with that attribute.

I woke up around 2am, feeling horrified. I knew my husband was just coming to bed and all I could do was ask him if my oldest son Robert was home. When he said he was I breathed a sigh of relief and allowed myself to fall back to sleep.

I had a horrifying dream that sent me in a panic. I can recall that something terrible had happened to Robert and I was burying him. When I woke up this morning I could no longer remember the details, dang I hate that. I do remember it was nothing usual and it wasn't related to him joining the military. I think it has to do with my fear of losing him period. I am so glad to see him sleeping on the sofa in the livingroom this morning.

We all dream but why is it we only remember a very small percentage of them?

Friday, June 25, 2010

Getting Old Sucks!!!

I had foot surgery a couple of days ago to help relieve some chronic pain I have when I walk. I am not supposed to put any weight on that foot and I'm to walk with crutches. Well easier said than done.

For those of you who don't know me, I weigh 215 pounds and I will admit I'm not in the best shape, and to top it off I am still dealing with next and shoulder pain from a work injury.

Well anyway I have been attempting to hobble along on the crutches and have found that it is definitely very hard. I had to resort to crawling on my hands and knees to the bathroom because using the crutches was becoming painful. But after only 3 trips to the ladies room my knees felt like someone had smacked them with a sledge hammer.

So for today I tried not to drink as much, so that I wouldn't have to make as many trips to the bathroom, and when I did, I found that I had to use the tip of my walking boot to make it anywhere, Which we all know only caused more pain to the incision site. Not to mention the couple of times I lost my balance and my heel slammed down to the ground. Talk about verbalizing expletives. (I think the neighbors heard me).
My neck and shoulders are on fire, my back is screaming, my lower abdomen feels like it could rip apart and not to mention every muscle in my body is screaming at me to never do this again.

My honey was kind enough to stop at the American Legion Post 53, and at my mother in laws request they lent me a wheelchair. Granted I have to roll myself around but at least the rest of my body will calm down.

Wow Getting old sucks.

Thursday, June 24, 2010


Have you ever just found yourself smiling for the simplest of reasons. I did yesterday. I was on my way home from the store when a smile and a memory took me over. For those who don't know me I love vampire stories, so of course I am a Twihard fan. Anyway, on my way home I was thinking of a movie I had just rented from a Redbox, when I remembered a conversation I had had with my oldest son the night before. He will take any opportunity to make fun of me and this was one. I had been talking about renting "Remember Me", when Robert(my son) proceeded to make fun of me for being infatuated with Robert Pattinson and wanting to see it only because of him. My son was kind enough to let me know Rob P can't act and that this movie would be horrible. Well as you can tell he doesn't feel the same as I do in regards to vampires.

Well anywho, I was thinking about the movie I had just rented when I couldn't stop smiling and my sons' razing me came into mind.

It's moments like that that make me feel good.

I had foot surgery yesterday, and I'm doing good this AM, so now I want to take some time to contemplate what comes next for me. I have in general been feeling out of sorts and like I don't belong anywhere. You know like when you feel there is something more you should be doing with your life. I'll be forty in a couple months so I'm pretty sure it has midlife crisis written all over it.

I am setting a goal for myself these next couple of months. I am going to use this blog to write down my thoughts everyday while I am on leave from work. I want to see if buy writing my thoughts down here for all to see, if I can find my passion again and find some direction in my life.

Please bear with my ramblings, and pray that I find what I need.